How to live richly on an ever slimming budget,and enjoy yourself doing so. Fresh ideas gardening tips, silly kids & pets and treasures found and rehabbed!
Monday, September 9, 2013
My giant 5 ft cana have finally bloomed. I have been digging up and storing through the winter and now I finally have a flower and a couple more on the way!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The babies hatched in a couple weeks and then a couple weeks later took to the yard in search of some tasty worms! Here they are the day before they all jumped out of the nest...
Hello all, I know its been a long time since I posted here. But the summer was very busy but I do have a few pix. June 29th I found this on my front porch on the top of one of my hanging baskets... Robins had sneakily built their condo and started another set of eggs!