Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beautiful Turkey Brine for Thanksgiving

Took a slightly different path for Turkey Day this year and added limes and grapefruit to the usual citrus mix. Tasted just delicious with the new additions...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My daughter is going for that Bollywood look!

Here are her CL finds from this weekend. Now all she needs to do is learn the dances....

And again...

And again....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

With a little bit of frozen yogurt!

Perfect summer dessert!

Anyone wanting the recipe let me know and I can put it on the blog

Happy 4th of July Weekend. Time for some harvesting here!

Wishing you all a Happy 4th Holiday Weekend. Time for me to start harvesting my currants. They were a little bit of a patch when I put them in a couple years ago. Now they are immense. Here is today's photo:

SOOO. I decided to combine with my MUTANT rhubarb and make a crisp.

End result... YUM Says the Mr.

And then it rapidly disappeared...

Tomorrows project is Rhubarb Currant Jam!

Monday, June 27, 2011

This week's gardening project. Pond is finally up and running!

Pond project is finally done! Adopted a dozen goldfish, purchased some aquatic plants and now its a great dog watering station! Hubby even made me a small rock sculpture!