Monday, August 31, 2009

Princess again

More pix of Princess being silly

Here are more pix of our blonde Lab being 5 months old..... Passed out, after too much fun. under the kitchen table

New Windows by fireplace being enjoyed by the wildlife

Here is one of the new Octagon windows we installed to the side of the fireplace being enjoyed as a cat perch and peephole by our extra blonde cat. Had to make sure and leave her a cat sized space for lounging. Do love those new windows...

New Family Member - Big Blonde Baby Girl!

Here are some pix of our newest family member Princess. She is one big blonde baby. She is glad to be here with the rest of the circus. And for all of you that are thinking I paid big $ for a pedigreed animal she is a rescue.... and needed a place to live. Since our big dog passed away in June kids have been wanting another larger dog. She will be a wonderful dog once she is past her puppy must chew everything stage. LOL